Prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů: Vaše soukromí je pro nás velmi důležité. Naše společnost slibuje, že vaše osobní údaje nezveřejní žádné zhoršení bez vašich explicitních povolení.
PP plastic , polypropylene , commonly known as "baijiao",Scientific name: polypropylene .
PP Plastic is a kind of semi crystalline material. It is more hard than PE and has a higher melting point. Due to the high crystallinity, the surface of the material stiffness and resistance to scratch characteristics very well. PP Plastic don't have the problem of environmental stress cracking. Polypropylene (PP Plastic) is a semi-crystalline thermo p lastic . PP Plastic has high impact resistance, strong mechanical properties, resistance to many organic solvents and acid and alkali corrosion.
PP Plastic is widely used in industry and is one of the most common polymer materials.
Australian COINS are also made of polypropylene .
Polypropylene bonding:
K-720 is suitable for polypropylene PP plastic adhesion, suitable for large area plate lamination, high transparency, suitable for PP adhesion PP , PP adhesive PC, PP adhesive ABS,PP adhesive PVC, PP adhesive acrylic , PP sticky metal, PP stick wood.
K-7007 adhesion performance is roughly the same as k-720, light yellow and more economical.
K-620 is adhesive small area polypropylene PP glue, must be used with the k-650 treatment agent, the instant positioning, the strength is high.
1. nízká hustota;
2. tepelná odolnost;
3. Bez deformace;
4. Vysoká tuhost;
5. Vysoká povrchová síla;
6. Dobrá chemická stabilita;
7. Netoxický a bezpečný.
The main disadvantage of the fault polypropylene is that the high temperature rigidity is not enough, and the low temperature is brittle.
Poor environmental tolerance, outdoor use, easy to turn yellow and brittle.
Tensile strength of anisotropy, the products are easy to deform, continuous use of low temperature, high creep performance, and long - term load.
Poor printing performance.
1, ventilová část, pitná voda a kanalizace vodní potrubí,
2, těsnící prvek, postřikovací nosič,
3, korozi odolný proti korozi a barel, průmyslové aplikace, které mají kyselý a alkalický požadavek; Zařízení pro vypouštění odpadních vod a plynů,
4, čištění, čistý pokoj, polovodičová rostlina a další související průmyslové zařízení a stroje, potravinářské stroje a prkénko,
5, elektrolytický proces, hračka
Combustion characteristics : PP Plastic easy to burn, polypropylene from continue to burn after the fire, with the top of the flame is yellow, the bottom made in blue, with a small amount of smoke generated, burning melt dripping, and oil.
Specification : the thickness of PP sheet material can be produced from 0.3mm to 2mm, and the PP sheet material is of rolling material and width of 500-1000mm.
The thickness of the plate can be produced from 2mm to 200mm . The specification is 600*1200mm 1000*1000mm 1000* 2000mm. Other specifications can be customized as needed,and The diameter of the PP rod can be produced from 2mm to 250mm, the length is 1 meter, PP rod can be ordered to be more than 3 meters in length.
Color : white and black , other colors can be customized
Modified varieties: PP sheet have various enhancers and other auxiliaries can be added to make modified varieties, depending on the requirements
Storage methods:
Keep in tight, cool and dry place to ensure good ventilation
Product certification: most environmental certification reports and safety reports for raw materials, such as SGS report, CTI report, UL report, MSDS safety information, etc.
Prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů: Vaše soukromí je pro nás velmi důležité. Naše společnost slibuje, že vaše osobní údaje nezveřejní žádné zhoršení bez vašich explicitních povolení.
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Prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů: Vaše soukromí je pro nás velmi důležité. Naše společnost slibuje, že vaše osobní údaje nezveřejní žádné zhoršení bez vašich explicitních povolení.